Fordham teaches you to think critically, receive criticism and come up creative solutions

Matt Law, Alumnus, Product Owner, Digital Editorial 


Describe your career path. What choices did you make? How did you use your time in college to help you along in your career path?

Interned quite a bit during college, got a "full time" web job senior year (about 30 hours a week). Started in digital editorial/production right our of school, shifted into online community and then product management, all for editorial sites.


What advice do you have for English majors or English graduate students as they prepare for for careers? How can they stand out in a competitive job market?

Fordham teaches you to think critically, receive criticism and come up creative solutions to problems. Don't stop that after graduation. Those skills are incredibly valuable in the professional space. Share your opinions and don't be afraid to call out bullsh*t. That's what you're paid for.

My writing/editorial background has been useful in my current line of work. I represent wide variety of stakeholders in the business and work with development teams to address their needs. Clear communication (both verbal and written) of their requirements is so important to getting the right work done the right way. My writing and editorial background is somewhat unique to my field, but it really seems to come in handy. I'm sure this can be true for recent English students as well in other fields that aren't on the standard post-graduation path.


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