On April 20, Professor Beth Frost's Prose Poetry and Flash Fiction class met outside the entrance of Fordham College at Lincoln Center and offered poems written on the spot to anyone who was interested. While no price was put on the poems given out, the class accepted donations with the proceeds going to The Doe Fund, a New York City charity organization that provides work and education to thousands of young homeless people.

Liza Tolkin, FCLC ’13, who is part of the class, said, “We will ask people what they want their poem to be about and then ask them to come back in five minutes to get it.”

“It was entirely spontaneous,” Professor Frost said, regarding the initiative. “We really liked the idea of having a pamphlet art project that would involve the input of what we covered in class.  We have been working in a very short form because the class covers so much. There is something about the brevity and spontaneity of what everyone is working on writing in class, that seems to lend itself to composing on the spot.” 

Click here for original Observer article



Don’t expect to “make it” and “be set.”


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