Fordham at the MLA
After the holidays but before spring semester classes start, Fordham English faculty will be flying across the continent to join thousands of other professors of literature and language at the annual conference of the Modern Language Association. The 2015 conference will take place from January 8 through 11 in Vancouver, British Columbia. Scholars travel to present their most recent research, and to share new ideas about teaching. The MLA conference is also where our English Ph.D. students go to interview for teaching and research jobs at other institutions around the world (and we wish them great success at their interviews!).
Fordham faculty presenting at this year's MLA conference include:
Lenny Cassuto, who will be on a special session titled “Teaching, Research, Service: A Close Reading.”
Cornelius Collins, who will be chairing a panel on “Doris Lessing and Canada.”
Heather Dubrow, who will be moderating a panel she organized on "Song and/in/as/versus Poetry in Medieval and Early Modern Literature. Professor Dubrow will also be participating in a roundtable discussion of "The Future of the Seventeenth Century."
Chris GoGwilt, who will present a paper titled "Conrad and Joyce in i-Space." GoGwilt will also formally take over as the incoming President of the Joseph Conrad Society of America, and invites everyone who is interested to attend the business meeting and dinner at 7pm on Friday, January 9 at Ukrainian Village Restaurant, 815 Denman Street (at Robson St.). In order to attend, send US $45 check payable to JCSA (or $25 for graduate students) to Mark Larabee, English Dept., U. S. Naval Academy, 107 Maryland Ave., Annapolis, MD 21402 , or else simply request a PayPal invoice ( no later than 24 December.
Rebecca Sanchez, who will be chairing a panel on "Disability Epistemology" and delivering a paper on "Border Epistemologies: George Washington Gómez and the Geopolitics of Genre"
If you're attending the conference and want to attend any (or all!) of these talks, you can find details in the conference program.