Writing Center Launches Writer's Bloc Series
The Writer's Bloc is an ongoing Youtube series created by Fordham University Writing Center Fellows Cathal Pratt, Ellis Light, and Peter Krause. The series launched in September 2020 and features the fellows discussing writing tips and techniques ranging from citation, introductions, and strategies for revising work. The fellows aim to demystify professor's expectations when it comes to university level writing assignments.
“From deciphering prompts and providing tips on how best to begin an essay to quick lessons on grammar, rhetoric, and citation, we use our experience in the classroom and the writing center to help undergraduates navigate writing assignments,” says Peter Krause of the Westchester Writing center.
The series is part of the Writing Center's movement to online learning during the pandemic, but it's more than that too--it's also an opportunity for students to learn writing skills and study habits on their own schedules, without even having to make an appointment! Ellis Light of the Rose Hill Writing center says, “We wanted to offer a friendly, casual approach to writing instruction that will empower our students.”
When asked about the difficulties of transitioning online, Cathal Pratt of the Lincoln Center Writing Center said, "Being online is pretty natural for us--we do everything unscripted and just give our normal reactions. If it is rough around the edges, well, we are used to first drafts."
Look for new videos every week during the semester and don't forget to sign up for a Writing Center appointment here.
Art work by Anne Stebbins