Haben Girma to speak on "Disability & Innovation: The Universal Benefits of Inclusion"
Haben Girma will speak on "Disability & Innovation: The Universal Benefits of Inclusion" on Wednesday, April 11, 5-6pm, at Fordham University's Rose Hill Campus (Keating First). You can also attend at the Lincoln Center campus, in Lowenstein 708. Please RSVP.
Lecture by Kyla Wazana Tompkins, "So Moved: Ferment, Jelly, Intoxication, Rot"
Kyla Wazana Tompkins, "So Moved: Ferment, Jelly, Intoxication, Rot" on Friday, April 13 at 4pm at Fordham University's Lincoln Center campus.
Fordham English is "Teaching the Teachers," Says Chronicle of Higher Ed
Fordham English's teaching practicum is singled out for praise in an article in The Chronicle of Higher Education
English Faculty Receive Fellowships
Congratulations to English Department faculty members who have been awarded Fordham Faculty Fellowships!