Make Your Art No Matter What
Do you like to write, paint, sing, edit videos, fold origami, or participate in some other type of creative expression? Has it been difficult for you to find time for your creative practice since you started college?
Fordham Professors Seek to Attack Cheating at the Root and Decriminalize ChatGPT Use
Nearly a year after its release, the tension and stigma surrounding the academic use of ChatGPT might be enough to guilt-trip a student from ever using it, even if their intention is not to use it maliciously.
Literary Travel: Interview with Fordham Alum Melanie Blake
Imagine you could encapsulate yourself through tourism centered on great works of literature, literary developments, and the literature surrounding cultural and political movements. For one Fordham alumnus, literary travel is not only her passion, it’s her business.
In Conversation with Carrie Berk: Writing, Love, and Lessons from a Published Author
Fordham Senior Carrie Berk writes her own rules- and her own books! Read about her insights on dating in the digital age, the challenges of publicizing personal stories, and juggling the demands of a successful journalism career.
In November, Students and Alumni Challenge Themselves with Weekly Writing Sprints
The Creative Writing program, headed by Professor Sarah Gambito, decided to allow students and alumni to define their own challenges for themselves. For the month of November, several current and former students, as well as faculty members, are holding weekly writing workshops with a set group of attendees.
The Art of Horror: A Q&A with Writer in Residence Gerardo Sámano Córdova
Gerardo Sámano Córdova, artist and writer from Mexico City and writer in residence for Fordham’s English department talks writing, teaching, and the art of horror.
Reimagining Dr. Seuss: An Interview with Cat Reynolds
Alumna, Cat Reynolds, experiences the world of publishing with Dr. Seuss and is eager to keep the beloved tales alive.