Open to Growth
~ Julia Jaramillo
Even before I got to Fordham, I was anxious about the future. I was anxious that I didn’t know anyone. I was anxious that I wasn’t going to make the most of my time here. I had no idea where I was going and what I was doing. I thought I had to know. I thought I had to have a perfectly put together plan. One of the biggest lessons that I’ve learned after speaking with our alumni for Seeds of Success – Helena Madden, FCRH 18; Liz Bogaard FCRH 19; and Kiera Forsythe, FCRH 24 – was that I didn’t need to have everything figured out. None of the alumni we spoke to thought they were going to end up where they are now when they started.It was really reassuring to hear their stories. You’re always learning and growing, no matter where you are in life, and it’s important to be open to growth.