Fordham English Faculty Members Support Their Students

Over the weekend, the Fordham English Department's ad hoc faculty committee on diversity and social justice, which was formed last year, composed a brief, clear letter of support for our students. Department Chair Glenn Hendler sent the letter out to all majors on Monday, November 14, and then to English graduate students the next day. Dozens of individual faculty members have signed the letter, and continue to do so. 

Here is a link to the statement, including that growing list of signatories. The text of the statement is below

Statement on National Events from Fordham English Department Faculty Members
Dear English majors,
In light of political events unfolding nationally, including an uptick of violence on college campuses around the country, your professors want to express and affirm our commitments to you, our students.  We are and remain a resource for you in personal as well as educational matters.  We are available to talk and, if necessary, to help connect you with resources elsewhere in the university and beyond.  We cannot solve all the problems that face us, but we are very good at doing research, and sometimes research is what you need.
With our full support,
(Click for the full list of signatories).

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