Andrew Albin Steps in as DGS
Professor Andrew Albin, Director of Graduate Studies at Fordham English
Andrew Albin has taken over the role of Director of Graduate Studies from John Bugg who served in the position for 5 1/2 years. In his new role, Albin’s commitments are to grad students' holistic well being, their fluid movement through the program, and their preparation for job markets.
As he settles into his position and gets to know graduate students and their concerns, “one goal,” Albin says, “is shaping a vocational culture in our graduate program from admission onwards that decenters the tenure-track job as the only acceptable outcome of graduate studies in English. I think it's crucial to valorize and support multiple sensible career pathways for which our program can legitimately prepare students, and to cultivate a healthy skepticism of brass ring attitudes towards the profession.”
Albin's scholarship in the field of historical sound studies examines embodied listening practices, sound’s meaningful contexts, and the lived aural experiences of historical hearers – in a word, the sonorous past – as an object of critical inquiry. His work has been recognized with grants and fellowships from the American Council of Learned Societies, the Medieval Academy of America, the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, and the Yale Institute of Sacred Music.